Dear Chilmark Pond Community,
We are pleased to invite you to an informational zoom session about a new technology designed to reduce toxic algal blooms like cyanobacteria. The Foundation is considering an application to install a LG-Sonic Buoy device in the Middle Pond (between Doctors and Interns Creeks). This technology has been used successfully by over 100 clients in more than 50 countries and various states, including New York, eliminating up to 90% of the algae found in the water. The low energy ultrasound technology does not harm marine or animal life and we believe it could meaningfully reduce cyanobacteria blooms in the Pond.
This project would be a test case, that, if successful, might be replicated in other parts of Chilmark Pond. In the past few years, the algal blooms have been emanating from the Middle Pond, which is why we would like to start the pilot project there.
The zoom session will be on Thursday, January 16th from 3-4 pm.
Below and attached is some information about LG Sonic as well as the zoom link.
We hope you can join us.
The Chilmark Pond Foundation
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Attached is some information about LG Sonic.
We hope you can join us.
The Chilmark Pond Foundation